The Mong Family Foundation Director
Cornell Neurotech
Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University
Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award
Ph. D
Cornell University
Cornell University
Fudan University
Tianyu Wang, Chris Xu
Three-photon neuronal imaging in deep mouse brain
Microscopic sensors using optical wireless integrated circuits
Dawnis M. Chow, David Sinefeld, Kristine E. Kolkman, Dimitre G. Ouzounov, Najva Akbari, Rose Tatarsky, Andrew Bass, Chris Xu, Joseph R. Fetcho
Deep three-photon imaging of the brain in intact adult zebrafish
GHz Ultrasonic Chip-Scale Device Induces Ion Channel Stimulation in Human Neural Cells
Bo Li, Chunyan Wu, Mengran Wang, Kriti Charan, Chris Xu
An adaptive excitation source for high-speed multiphoton microscopy
Tianyu Wang, Chunyan Wu, Dimitre G Ouzounov, Wenchao Gu, Fei Xia, Minsu Kim, Xusan Yang, Melissa R Warden, Chris Xu
Quantitative analysis of 1300-nm three-photon calcium imaging in the mouse brain
GCaMP6 ΔF/F dependence on the excitation wavelength in 3-photon and 2-photon microscopy of mouse bra
Dimitre G Ouzounov, Tianyu Wang, Chunyan Wu, Chris Xu
GCaMP6 ΔF/F dependence on the excitation wavelength in 3-photon and 2-photon microscopy of mouse brain activity
Biomedical Optics Express 10
Mengran Wang, Minsu Kim, Fei Xia, Chris Xu
Impact of the emission wavelengths on in vivo multiphoton imaging of mouse brains
Mengran Wang, Minsu Kim, Chris Xu, Fei Xia
Comparison of emission wavelengths for in vivo deep imaging of mouse brain
Aaron T. Mok, Tianyu Wang, Fei Xia, Chunyan Wu, Chris Xu
Simultaneous Two- and Three-photon Imaging of Multilayer Neural Activities with Remote Focusing
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
Tianyu Wang, Dimitre G. Ouzounov, Chunyan Wu, Nicholas G. Horton, Bin Zhang, Cheng-Hsun Wu, Yanping Zhang, Mark J. Schnitzer, Chris Xu
Three-photon imaging of mouse brain structure and function through the intact skull
Bo Li, Mengran Wang, Kriti Charan, Ming-jun Li, Chris Xu
Investigation of the long wavelength limit of soliton self-frequency shift in a silica fiber
Mengran Wang, Chunyan Wu, David Sinefeld, Bo Li, Fei Xia, Chris Xu
Comparing the effective attenuation lengths for long wavelength in vivo imaging of the mouse brain
Bo Li, Mengran Wang, Chunyan Wu, Kriti Charan, Chris Xu
An adaptive excitation source for multiphoton imaging
Fiber-based tunable repetition rate source for deep tissue two-photon fluorescence microscopy
Kriti Charan, Bo Li, Mengran Wang, Charles P. Lin, Chris Xu
Fiber-based tunable repetition rate source for deep tissue two-photon fluorescence microscopy
Biomedical Optics Express 9
Mengran Wang, Chunyan Wu, Bo Li, Fei Xia, David Sinefeld, Chris Xu
Comparison of excitation wavelengths for in vivo deep imaging of mouse brain
Mengran Wang, Tianyu Wang, Chunyan Wu, Bo Li, David Sinefeld, Akash Guru, Hyung-Song Nam, Melissa R. Warden, Chris Xu, Mario R. Capecchi, Dimittre G. Ouzounov
In vivo three-photon imaging of deep mouse cerebellum
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVIII
In vivo three-photon imaging of deep cerebellum